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The one bad thing I do
完美的适配Android8.0未知来源应用安装权限方案 ...-CSDN博客:2021-12-26 · 第二完美的适配Android8.0未知来源应用安装权限方案Android8.0的诸多新特性中有一个非常重要的特性:未知来源应用权限众前安装未知来源应用的时候一般会弹出一个弹窗让用户去设置允许还是拒绝,并且设置为允许之后,所有的未知来源的应用都 ...

I'm half half and it's okay

I have driven across landscapes looking for him. In the middle of the night, across two states, that boy was waiting in the early morning to open the door for me, to pull back the sheets and lay beside me.

Dear College Boy, Yes, you. In your basketball shorts with your earbuds in, walking across campus.

Remembering my grandfather
Saturday morning I cracked two eggs into a pan an instinctively broke the yolks. I let them cook for a few minutes and could hear my grandfather’s voice in my head.
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